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Experience with Typography

​​        This assignment made me realize that font and layout is only the surface of the iceburg in the art of typography. Typography is used to make writing easier to read, have visual signifigance, used to have words carry more meaning, and more. Some of thetechniques i used are but not limited to; kerning and tracking, allignment, and leading.

         Kerning and tracking are useful for reducing or increasing spaces between letters, I have found this is particuarly useful for adding the finishing touches on a title. Allignment and the use of grids are helpful when it came to profesional layouts and organization of literature, especially if there are multiple sections. Leading helped me realize that space between lines are not always best left at default. You can see these examples and more in the thumbnails.

          I have found that typography can have a drastic impact on the quality of a work. There are thousands of ways to create a design, and a quality understanding of typograpghy will make the text more readable, asthetically pleasing, and appropriate.


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