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My works in illistrator

Firehouse Chilli Pepper Company

I was asked to design a hot new logo for my boys at the FCPC so I created a bitmap using the pen and elypse tool and a few layers. Gradients were added to the flame and stem to add another sweet effect to this hot logo.

Boston Chef

Here I practiced tracing the Boston Chef using the pen and elypse tool. getting the space between the arms and body was done by subtracting the space from the outer outline

Beach Rabit

Beach Rabit was made using the pen tool (of course) and gradient tool. to make the project go by quicker, the hands, feet, ears eye, leaves ect. were duplicated after making the original and reflected and transformes accordingly.

Cell Phone

This phone looks complicated, but was pretty simple using the shape tool combined with the pen and stroke tools. Gradients were added once more and like the Rabit there were many duplicates (buttons and icons). The glare on the screen was created by making the shape with the pen and reducing the opacity level.

© 2023 by Justin Channing Garraux. Proudly created with

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